My dreams not nearly as fun as yours

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Posted by kat on February 07, 2004 at 09:22:22:

In Reply to: Two Recent Dreams: imported from the livejournal, in case Bob already read them.... posted by giveawayboy on February 05, 2004 at 14:49:28:

I just woke up with a start because of a dream in which my two front teeth were loose. I pushed and worked on them until they fell out, and then was horrified at the sight of my own smile in the mirror.

I'm not sure if the other dream was actually part of this one or not. I was at some park I don't know in reality. I was with Vicki (Joseph's mom) at some kind of Speaking engagement for the first lady (Laura Bush) there was a huge crowd following her. We got very close to her and realized that the crowd was going squash her if she didn't get out of there so we offered to take her in our car. She got in she was wearing a red skirt and matching jacket. for soe reason I can't remember I handed Laura my wallet, and at some point she got out. There was a long cement road in the middle of a channel through a hill, it went down on a incline. At the bottom or close to it was what I remember as a local christian band playing rock. I think I was going to buy a CD and took out my wallet. I couldn't find my cards because I thought I had given my wallet to Laura Bush (the first lady) earlier and she didn't return it, but on further inspection I found that it was in my purse.
suddenly Matthew was there and then I don't remember anything else.

Why the heck I would go see Laura Bush speak I have no idea.

: Magic Bed Dream:

: I was with John Sexton, my old roommate, in this little room. He was wearing all black clothes. Somehow he and I fell onto this tile floor off of some couch or something and got tangled up somehow. Then at some point I accidentally landed on John or something and I think I hurt him. He just threw his head back and laughed, and revealed a light blue piece of fabric under his mainly black clothes. I think at this point something in the room had a blue and white checkerboard pattern on it-- just not sure if it was the tile floor, or a table cloth or even something John was wearing. Then he just laid there and suddenly Jason Daniels appeared. I suddenly had a feeling that I was looking down into the dark entry way of some temple or something. I was looking down toward the floor but sank for a moment out of the reality of the room and John and Jason. I was falling into some deep, dark building. I felt like I was surrendering to something. A second later, consciousness of my surroundings regained, John and Jason were talking. Jason was sort of a guardian angel for me and John I think. Then at one point John and Jason were talking amongst themselves and I was looking at some painting I had done on three pieces of wood. Somehow, Jason had reminded me of this painting. He may have brought it to me, but I'm not sure. Each was a different bright color and they were linked together end to end, the bottom one smaller reminding me of the base of the San Damiano crucifix, but it wasn't necessarily meant to be a crucifix. Then suddenly I heard this trombone music and thought it was John. I ran into this other room that was behind the couch to the right. I didn't know where John and Jason were, but thought they came with me. As soon as I walked in that room there was a magical bed that looked like a piece of wood with a plastic table cloth on it. It was a cream color with lots of orange and brown flowers on it. There were two kittens. One was light brown and white (not sure of the other's colour). The light brown cat was standing or walking around on the top of the magical bed. Whenever they moved the bed would play this music that was like a PET SHOP BOYS song but rendered in a sound akin to a child's toy piano. The more the kittens moved around the faster the song played. It was very intricate and energetic, yet not manical like the crazed caliope of some demented sircus clown. It was more like a positive energy. In the dream I made a note to remember the song, but really do not remember what it was. I lean toward a couple titles but none of them is clear to me so I'd rather not list a title since I go for honesty in recording dreams. I recall feeling like somehow John and Jason also had discovered these kittens. Seeing the kittens on the magical bed was the last scene I remember from the dream.

: Audrey's House Dream:

: Was talking to Audrey at her old house and there were these two guys in there w us. One was a white guy w brown hair in a yellow and white racing gear, or maybe it was a wetsuit. Whatever it was was mainly yellow, skin tight and had white hooks or patches all over it. The other guy was black and he was in a tight sleevless brown shirt. They kept saying unintelligible things, but looking very urgent. They seemed to want to have a conversation, but me and my sister could not understand them. At any rate, Audrey and I continued talking. Soon I thought I heard a knock at her door. So I walked over. she wondered why. I looked outside the glass door and saw nothing, but her red brick porch. Walked back over to her, and I thought I saw someone out on the porch again, I walked over. At this point Audrey started getting nervous. She wanted to know why I kept going over to the door. Finally, the glass door sort of opened itself -- it probably had not been entirely closed and the breeze opened it -- so I walked back over to look out and once again was confronted by the red brick porch, only this time there was superimposed over the empty front porch and view of the street, a sort of flat sheet of faces, all shaped sort of like mini-television screens, all rectangular shaped, but w rounded corners. The most dominant one was still pretty small and it was blue. But the most notable thing was the bluish to purplish block letters that stood about 6" high and spelled the word LOOK. That was it!

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