Resurrection Harmony

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Posted by PS on March 21, 2004 at 15:07:26:

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

One Possible Harmony of the New Testament Accounts

1. At dawn there is a violent earthquake, as a glorious angel rolls back the stone and sits down on it. The guards are so afraid of him that they shake and collapse with fear. (Matt 28:2-4)

2. Right after the earthquake, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, Salome, and some other women arrive at the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus. They see the stone rolled away and the tomb open. They see that the body of Jesus is not in the tomb. (Matt 28:1, Mk 16:1-4, Luke 24:1-3, 22-23, Jn 20:1)

3. Mary Magdalene leaves immediately and runs to tell Peter and John that the body of Jesus has been stolen. (Jn 20:2)

4. Right after Mary Magdalene leaves, the other women enter the empty tomb. They first see the angel that rolled away the stone* sitting on the right side. (Mk 16:5) As he stood, another glorious angel also appeared. (Lk 24:4) In their fright, the women bow to the ground. (Lk 24:5) The first angel says, “Don’t be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. Why look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he is risen, just as he told you that he must be crucified and rise again on the third day. Come see the place where he was laid. Now go quickly, and tell his disciples, ‘He is risen from the dead, and is going ahead of you into Galilee. You will see him there.’” (Matt 28:5-7, Mk 16:5-7, Luke 24:4-8) *Mark tells us that the angel sitting on the right side is the one who speaks; Matthew tells us that the angel who rolled away the stone is the speaker.

5. Joyful, but still very much afraid, the women run from the tomb to go to the disciples with the news. They talk to no one about these things on the way, because they are afraid. (Matt 28:8, Mk 16:8)

6. While the women are on the way, some of the guards went to the chief priests with the story of the angel. The priests and elders devise a plan to discredit the testimony of the women and any of the other guards. (Matt 28:11-15)

7. Mary Magdalene has already arrived at the place where the disciples were staying, because she left before the other women. Since she did not see the angels with the other women, she tells the disciples that Jesus’ body is stolen. (Jn 20:2)

8. The other women arrive and tell of the visions of angels saying that Jesus was alive, and that the disciples are supposed to go to Galilee. (Lk 24:9-10, 22-23) As they arrive, Peter and John leave running to go to the tomb and see for themselves. (Lk 24:12A, Jn 20:3) Mary Magdalene follows them back to the tomb. (Jn 20:10-11 makes this clear.) Most of the disciples do not believe the amazing stories they are hearing. To them, the women are seemingly out of their minds. (Lk 24:11)

9. Peter and John enter the tomb and see only the grave clothes, then leave to go back to the disciples with the report. (Lk 24:12, 24, Jn 20:10) Mary stays outside the tomb crying. She looks into the tomb and sees the two angels sitting where Jesus’ body had been. The angel asks why she is crying. She tells him that she cannot find her Lord’s body. She then turns around and sees a man that she thinks is the gardener. After asking her why she is crying, and who she is looking for, he reveals himself to her. He tells her not to hold on to him, because has not yet ascended to the Father since his resurrection. (Jn 20:11-17, Mk 16:9)

10. Meanwhile, Peter and John arrive back and tell the others that they found only the empty tomb. (Lk 24:24) Two of the disciples leave the group to take a seven mile journey to a village called Emmaus. They have plenty to talk about as they travel. (Lk 24:13-14)

11. The other women leave the disciples, feeling hurt and rejected that the men would not believe their story. (Lk 24:11) Perhaps they head in the direction of the tomb again.

12. The other women are startled as Jesus suddenly appears to them, saying “Greetings!” They hold his feet and worship him. He comforts them and tells them, “Don’t be afraid, just go and tell my brothers to leave for Galilee where they will see me.” (Matt 28:9-10)

13. Both Mary Magdalene and the other women return to the disciples and tell them that they have seen the Lord, and that they should go to Galilee. The disciples do not believe them (Matt 28:10, Mk 16:9-10), and do not leave for Galilee. (as evidenced by the fact that Jesus first appears to them in Jerusalem that night. -see #18 below)

14. The two disciples en route to Emmaus are joined by Jesus on their journey, but he disguises himself as a stranger, and they don’t recognize him. He opens the scriptures to them, and explains that the Christ was supposed to suffer these things before entering into his glory. Shortly before evening, they arrive at Emmaus, and urge the stranger to stay with them for the night. As Jesus breaks the bread and gives thanks, their eyes are opened, and they recognize him. He disappears. (Lk 24:15-32)

15. The two disciples immediately leave Emmaus and travel back to Jerusalem to tell the others (Lk 24:33), even though it is getting late. (Lk 24:29A)

16. Sometime after #13, and before #17, the Lord appears to Simon Peter. (Lk 24:34, 1Cor 15:5)

17. The two disciples arrive back at Jerusalem (Lk 24:33) to find the disciples divided. Some of the disciples are excited, and tell them that Jesus is alive and has appeared to Peter. (Lk 24:34) Other disciples still do not believe that Jesus is alive, even after hearing the reports of the women and Peter. They also refuse to believe the story of Jesus that the two disciples from Emmaus tell. (Mk 16:11-13)

18. As they are talking about this over supper, Jesus himself appears among them and says, “Peace be with you!” (Mk 16:14A, Lk 24:36, Jn 20:19) At first they are terrified (Lk 24:37), but after seeing that it is really Jesus, they are overjoyed. (Lk 24:38-41A, Jn 20:20) He then eats with them (Lk 24:41B-43). He also reproves them for their unbelief (Mk 16:14B). Thomas Didymus is not present. (Jn 20:24)

19. The other disciples tell Thomas that Jesus had appeared to them, but Thomas refuses to believe until he feels the wounds on his body. (Jn 20:25)

20. A week later the disciples have finally gone to Galilee as instructed. (Matt 28:16-17) As they meet, Jesus again appears to them with Thomas present. He rebukes Thomas for his unbelief, challenging him to feel the wounds for himself. Thomas worships him. Jesus tells them that it is more blessed to believe without seeing. (Jn 20:26-29)

21. Jesus appears many other times during the forty days that he remained on earth after his resurrection. (Acts 1:3, 1Cor 15:5-7) He appears to the Lord’s brother James (1Cor 15:7), who was not a believer before the resurrection (Jn 7:5), but later becomes the elder of the church at Jerusalem. He also appears to over five hundred brethren at one appearance. (1Cor 15:6) He appears to the disciples as they are fishing, performa a miracle, eats with them, and talks to Peter about his death. (Jn 21) He later appears to instruct the disciples to return to Jerusalem for Pentecost and to stay there until they receive the promise of the Spirit and are endued with power from on high. (Lk 24:49, Acts 1:4-5) He gives them instructions for ministry (Matt 28:18-20, Lk 24:44-48, Acts 1:2, 6-8), and finally ascends to heaven in their presence. (Lk 24:50-51, Acts 1:9-11)

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