Jehu rocks

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Posted by JEHU on December 14, 2004 at 06:28:00:

In Reply to: Re: 4Q521 posted by kle2 on December 13, 2004 at 22:23:54:

: : : : I have been so busy lately
: : : : I've had no clue what to post.
: : : : Then it came to me in a flash--
: : : : I could post something I am working on.

: : : :

: : : : From the Dead Sea Scrolls, Cave 4

: : : : 4Q521

: : : : For the heavens and the earth shall listen to his Messiah, and all that is in them will not turn away from the holy precepts. Be encouraged, you who are seekinng the Lord in his service. Will you not, perhaps, encounter the Lord in it, all those who hope in their heart? For the Lord will observe the devout, and call the just by name, and upon the poor he will place his spirit, and the faithful He will renew in His strength. For he will honor the devout upon the throne of eternal royalty, freeing prisoners, giving sight to the blind, straightening out the twisted. Ever shall I cling to those who hope. In his mercy he will judge, and from no-one shall the fruit of good deeds be delayed, and the Lord will perform marvellous acts such as have not existed, just as he said, for he will heal the badly wounded and will make the dead live, he will proclaim good news to the meek and give lavishly to the needy, lead the exiled and enrich the hungry...

: : : :
: : : : (F. G. Martinez translation)

: :
: : : What really tweeks me is first & second kings or first & second chronicles...yeah, I think it's chronicles...where at the end of every king it says..."blah blah arent' they recorded in the annals of the kings of Israel?"...Couldn't tell you...Never see the annals of the kings of Israel to see what other stuff they did that was written in the Bible...Wouldn't even know where to find them? Do they even still exsist? Oh tell me great Religous Studies Graduate Assistant!

: :
: : Does the verse above mean nothing more to you than stimulus to share what "tweeks you"?

: : Heavy sigh...

: : I find the whole spirit of hope in the text wonderful in itself, and am sorry if I am alone in this.

: : There is something else really significant here. The Qumranites hoped in a coming Messiah who would, in addition to the oft-quoted list in Isaiah 61, raise the dead. We are not talking about final resurrection here; we are talking about a man arbitrarily raising dead people to life (just like healing the wounded). Isaiah 61 lists the other signs looked for in the Messiah, and Jesus quotes that verse in the synagogue in Nazareth as being fulfilled. But this Qumran scroll provides the first ancient text found that has confirmed that the raising of the dead was also a commonly expected sign of the Messiah to come in 1st-century Judaism. This validates the understanding that is found in the discourse between the disciples of the imprisoned John Baptist and Jesus in Matt 11 and Luke 7, that is, that the commonly expected signs of the Messiah among 1st-century Jews include both those found in Isaiah 61 AND the raising of the dead. Where did the Jews get this promise from? We can't say for sure. But no longer can scholars credibly claim that the Gospels misrepresent messianic hopes in 1st-century Judaism in this regard. This is really cool.

: : Another heavy sigh...

: : Now, to answer your question, there are many books referred to in the Old Testament that have never been found. The only reason we have the books we do is because they were considered sacred and preserved. That many more were lost is not incredible by any reasoning. Here are some of those referred to:

: : The Book of the Wars of the Lord-Numbers 21:14

: : The Poets-Numbers 21:27

: : The Book of the Annals of the Kings of Media and Persia-Esther 10:2

: : The Book of Jashar-Joshua 10:13, 2 Samuel 1:18

: : The Sayings of the Wise-Proverbs 22:17+ The Sayings of Agur-Proverbs 30

: : The Sayings of King Lemuel-Proverbs 31:1-9

: : The Book of the Annals of the Kings of Israel-1 Kings 14:19 etc.

: : The Book of the Annals of the Kings of Judah-1 Kings 14:29 etc.

: : The Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel-2 Chronicles 16:11

: : The Annotations of the Prophet Iddo-2 Chronicles 13:22

: : The Vision of the Prophet Isaiah-2 Chronicles 32:32 Genealogical records-Nehemiah 7, Ezra 2

: : The Book of the Annals of Solomon-1 Kings 11:41

: : The Book of the Annals of King David-1 Chronicles 27:24

: : The Records of Samuel the Seer-1 Chronicles 29:29

: : The Records of Nathan the Prophet-1 Chronicles 29:29

: : The Records of Gad the Seer-1 Chronicles 29:29

: : The Visions of Iddo the Seer-2 Chronicles 9:29

: : The Prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite-2 Chronicles 9:29

: : The Annals of Jehu son of Hanani-2 Chronicles 20:34

: : The Letter of Elijah to Jehoram-2 Chronicles 21:12+ The Annotations of the Book of the Kings-2 Chronicles 24:27

: : The Laments of Jeremiah for Josiah-2 Chronicles 35:25

: :
: : NOTE: I was too lazy to look them all up; I found this list on

: : Final heavy sigh...

: I was saying the tweeking thing in a sarcastic way but thanks for even taking the time to post them...Is Nathan The Phrophet the same Nathan that blasted David for that whole Bathseba/Uriah being killed thing?

I love Jehu, we need more Jehu's today

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