if he had only called...

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Posted by equal opportunity exaggerations on January 11, 2005 at 06:27:19:

In Reply to: Re: the blame game posted by Terry on January 10, 2005 at 13:24:32:

If Tim had only called, perhaps they would have made plans to do something...and perhaps those plans would have been to go somewhere. And perhaps they would have wanted coffee (as Tim seems fond of it). And perhaps the coffee shop they visited would have been crowded, which would mean that the trash can might have been full. So Tim might have to leave his cup beside it but not in it. Of course the last few drops of foam would remain in the cup, as they can never be perfectly drained. Then of course some boisterous college students might have come in and knocked the cup on the floor spilling the few drops. But no one could have known that the man behind them was actually on his way out. This man just might have slipped on the spill, causing him not serious injury, but merely a sore shoulder, or back, that kept him at home for a few days. This might force him to delay his trip by one week such that on the airplane, he would have now been seated next to the woman would become the love of his life who would have eventually married him, and their third child might have been extraordinarily gifted and might have had a love for plants that would have taken him around the world in search of new species. And had he been able to rescue it before it was destroyed for farmland and lumber, the spore growing in the upper reaches of a rare tree in a particular climate might have been economic encentive enough to stop the destruction of forests in Madagascar which would have turned the tide of the economy in third world nations due to the fact that this spore could only be grown in a narrow band of latitude just south of the equator. And because of this shift in world power, the US would change it's foreign policy and the world would again be more open to US citizens which would have allowed further aid to spread across the world reducing hunger and eliminating dirty drinking water from the all populated areas of the planet. This in turn would have spurred further education and growth and eventually the burgeoning of a new century of world peace that would come to be called the Pax Sporii (after the spore of course).

But no...he didn't call, so instead the man took his trip, thinking it would bring him relief from his mundane life, and instead of meeting the love of his life, met the woman he THOUGHT was the love of his life, but who would eventually run out on him leaving him even more wounded with a single child who would have lacked the proper parental influence and would have lost ambition and taken a job serving coffee at yet another coffee house...

OOHHHHHHH, if he had only called!!!!

: : Let's see, how did Terry not calling Xavier result in the tsunami in Asia.
: : If she had called Xavier, that would have taken the place of other plans which he resorted to. The fact that he was one extra car at a precise point on the road caused the sailor who was trying to get to work before his ship set out to be delayed by the traffic light. Because this sailor was late, his ship left him, assuming he skipped out...unfortunately he was the chief exploratory drilling technician signed for this expidition to plumb the possibility of fossil fuels under the ocean floor. Since he wasn't there the second technician had to fill the roll. But his slight miscalculation...or possibly few too many test wells in a certain area... or else his lack of experience about sensitive areas of ocean bottom (we can never be too certain of these things), led his expidition to destabilize the crust which eventually created a surge in magma that ruptured the ocean floor thus allowing the plates to slip in such a way that the earthquake occured in the pacific, actually miles from the drilling site. And then the rest in on the news.

: : Now I'm still working on the iraq crisis...but I have a suspicion it has to do with a particular flea which Buddy happened to scratch off only minutes before Terry entered her house...

: I am a bad bad person. But wait!!! I was the last one to call Tim, and he said he would call back, and yet he never did. (This happens a lot.) Therefore, it was Tim who caused this whole thing. If he had called me....

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