great dream

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Posted by giveawayboy on March 24, 2005 at 00:39:18:

In Reply to: continuing down the path posted by cav on March 23, 2005 at 05:23:29:

This is a great dream. It sort of reminds me of prophets who somehow caught glimpses of God's viewpoint of things, but could only talk about it symbolically. There is always something mysterious so that we can't fathom it all. It's knowledge revealed as an invitation not as data.

Thanks. Bill

: Sometimes I've felt like that about names, but also about lives in general. I've wonderedi f perhaps any one person's entire existence and expereince could be to simply bring the other person into existence and point them to the right direction. Or what if one chance phrase that we utter as a result of our whole life's suffering a joy is the turning point for someone who will in turn be pivotal to all history. Or is anyone ever that important. It's as if there are zillions of scenarios that are all possible and not exactly happening at the same time, but able to cross from one path to the next at any of trillions of interesecting points. Thus, our lives could truly be destined to do something before the foundations of the world, but our free will could be preserved in the massive complexity with which the web was woven. Like ecology, there is contingency upon contingency with not one single ounce of redundency but some such relational pathways only appear as a result of specific conditions that are in turn the result of other yes/no points which contain thousands or millions of variables themselves.

: I once had a dream that was erased from my memory upon waking. Only hours later, or maybe days later, did a certain pattern-- a combination of morning routine and climate and music recall it in my mind. In the dream, Jesus brought me to this large map of the world on a circular table. It was lit from beneath like a hologram, and in the map all the events of history unfolded revealing God's design in absolute clarity like a computer model tracing through events and illustrating the strings of design. From the dawn of creation all the way to my own specific life to that very moment and into the future to the end of time was revealed in absolute sensical albeit complex perfection. And then he turned to me and said, "so don't worry, it's all worked out." After which he touched my mouth and erased the whole of the specifics I had seen only leaving the impression that I had indeed witnessed how it would all unfold, so that I knew it like I know my my way home, but am not able to recall or describe any of the events. This I knew in my heart was to preserve my own ability to function in the present.

: Not sure how that relates to anything, but I'm just walking this thread out where it leads.

: : : CAV:
: : : : As for said tie with John's theme of symbols, water has always been extremely powerful for me. I find myself drawn to it, and all the greatest things in my life, as well as the trials, intersect water at some point. I even named my kid after water...and naming for me is a L'Englian experience. I guess I was hoping to incorporate that power into him...but then maybe it was already there, I was trying hard just to see the reality of who he is. It was amazing for me to go through a totally surprising Dedication ceremony. I expected a typical evangelical thing and got this blessing and naming that was rife with power. It felt like there were flaming lines being connected and revealed in multiple realms as my son was presented to the world and declared one of the Children of God before all the demons and angels. He is KAIL RAIN! His name is the conquering boldness of water that both nourishes and destroys, causes life to grow and erodes mountains of stone.

: : :
: : : * * * *
: : : PS:
: : : What if...
: : : The reality was already there, and you were involved in that creative act of naming, outside of this time, long before you experienced the temporal ritual. That is how I have felt on occasion regarding naming. Hard to describe, but it's like when I spoke the words, I heard myself saying them eons ago, invoking an incomprehensible power entrusted by God which eternally ratified my declaration. And at the chosen place in this time in this world, I spoke them.

: : : Kail Rain is who he is, long before this world, though you were chosen to proclaim his name and reveal his identity as an eternal child of God before all creation. What if Kail Rain has already named you? The temporal correlation to his timeless proclamation of you before all the angels and demons might take place at your funeral. Just a thought...

: : YES! YES! This is a great path to go down! YES!

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