Re: Im pissed and need help

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Posted by pj on March 25, 2005 at 01:08:02:

In Reply to: Re: Im pissed and need help posted by cav on March 24, 2005 at 07:45:47:

: Ours is not a civilized culture. It is a culture that excels in the barbarism of reflection as philosopher Vicco put it. We advance in technology and knowledge at the expense of our humanity. But all is not lost. The hope just isn't found in the institutions our culture tells us to look at. I always find comfort in looking at the defacto rules of order. Let the TV and media and politicians burn themselves. How many good people do I know? How many understand the principle of good returning to us and try to act accordingly? They are out there. I think it is high time we Christians began to stand out again. Don't play the game of the lesser evils...We know the ultimate good exists and we should stand for that without regard to the institutions of our day. And I'm not talking about forming some sort of militia group (one extreme) or a watchdog lobbyist group (the other extreme) both of these are just different forms of buying into the broken paradigm. Rather, I think of Jim Bradford and how he had the guts leave ministry, to run his company like no other I've ever seen, and look at how God has blessed that effort. I think of Samritan's Purse who flatly and publicly refused the president's aid on grounds that it would allow government to have access to their organization...and they didn't need his money anyway, God provided for them. I think of the dirt poor Virginian lady who travled on foot to collect so many shoe boxes for the Christmas project that she ended up meeting president Clinton, and upon meeting him she told him he needed prayers and she was asking God to help him do better.

: You're a good man Jeff with lots of influence. If you are unable to just zen out over this issue there's a reason. Use your pain to push the message of true love forward. Even if it means preaching truth and love at all costs.

: : : I know i am venting but I feel this is a safe place to do it. I need some help working through this whole thing with Terry Schaivo. It is really messing with we and I don't know why. I know if I did what is happening to her to my dog I could get arrested for animal cruelity. Please help me here come to some point of rationality, I just don't understand this, It might sound like I am being like a middle schooler her and usually can come to resolve on matters but I am hurting on this one, Please help..................Jeff

: : In this case of judges against humanity, I don't know what to say. I'm with you. And even though I'm not a big Bush fan, I'm glad that he heroically took a stand for life saying that in such cases we should always lean toward considerations of life. Jeff, I know people will say I'm a conspiracy theory nut or something, but how far are we when a nation of 'civilized' people will sit knowing that they are willfully terminating lives in the womb, and starving people to death. When we are not moved be such atrocities, we are sitting ducks for the next wave of Nazi-like experiments and camps. I personally DO feel like it can happen in America, land of the free(?) and home of the brave(?). Although I'm not discounting a massive revival of spiritual life and hearts turning toward God I do not expect it in the land of TVs and SUVs and TiVo. I just don't expect it. Still, in the next 10 to 20 years, who's to say what the face of our land will look like. I for one expect it to get alot worse. But as the darkness get darker the light will get lighter. Let's look to our Redeemer who is our blessed hope.

Thanks John and Bill, I appreciate your time and comments, No greater love than this, that a man that would lay down his life for his friends. Thank God the Crucifixtion leads to Ressurrection, that our Jesus gives us peace in this cruel world, I pray for Terry and her family, Jesus' words on the cross were so appropriate: "Father forgive them for they do not know what they do."

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