Christian Literature

The Pursuit of God
This is the classic inspirational work of A. W. Tozer, a man who was considered by many a 20th-century prophet. This book is a priceless resource for those who desire an intimate relationship with God.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library
This is Wheaton College's large online assortment of the best in classic literature: Aquinas, Athanasius, Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux, Bounds, Bunyan, Calvin, Chesterton, Donne, Edwards, Fenelon, Finney, Foxe, Madame Guyon, Hilton, St. Ignatius, St. John of the Cross, Julian of Norwich, Thomas à Kempis, Brother Lawrence, Luther, George MacDonald, Milton, Murray, Owen, Pascal, St. Patrick, Pink, Rolle, Rutherford, Spurgeon, Teresa of Avila, Wesley, Whitefield, and much more! - Excellent collection!

Church History

Early Church Fathers
E-version of a 38-volume collection of writings from the first 800 years of the Church. This collection is divided into three series, Ante-Nicene (ANF), Nicene and Post-Nicene Series I (NPNF1), and Nicene and Post-Nicene Series II (NPNF2).

Hall of Church History
"Theology by a bunch of dead guys"
A historical journey from the Church Fathers through the Medieval, Puritan and Reformed writers, to the more recent stalwarts of the faith, including major doctrinal deviations and heresies. Links to Documents of the Early Church, Creeds, Confessions and Catechisms, Spurgeon Archive, and LOTS more.
If you want to speed things up, you can skip the very cool graphics and load the text-only version.

The Ecole Initiative
The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia (Ecole) Initiative is a cooperative effort on the part of scholars across the internet to establish a hypertext encyclopedia of early Church history (to the Reformation) on the World-Wide Web.

ICL Guide to Early Church Documents
Epistles of Barnabas, Clement, Didache, Ignatius, Polycarp, and various creeds of the faith.

Creeds of Christendom
Includes the current doctrinal statements of many different denominations, as well as historical creeds of the church.

Bible Study Resources

Some excellent reference materials are available online for those who can't afford to buy a library.

Bible Basics

Bible Basics
Fundamental information about the Bible, where it came from, where to find various books or topics, and the history of the books it contains. Especially useful to those just beginning to study the Bible or needing a review.

The Best of Everything

Crosswalk Online Study Bible
This is the most Bible study info at one URL I've found so far.


  • Multi-Version Concordance (search 13 Bible versions)
  • Nave's Topical Bible
  • 3 Bible Dictionaries (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Easton's Bible Dictionary, and Hitchcock's Bible Names)
  • Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (w/ Strong's numbers)
  • Greek & Hebrew Interlinear Bibles
  • Greek & Hebrew Lexicons
  • 6 Bible Commentaries (Matthew Henry's , Jamieson Faussett Brown,  Geneva Study Bible, and 3 more!)
  • Church History (including Foxe's Book of Martyrs)
  •  Much More!
  • Other Good Online Study Bibles

    Blue Letter Bible Online Study Bible
    Bible Search, Concordance and various Bible Commentaries. View verses with each word hyperlinked to its Strong's concordance entry.

    Bible Gateway Online Study Bible
    Search 15 Bible versions in 28 languages. Also includes a topical search engine.

    The World Wide Study Bible (at Wheaton College)


    Studylight Greek and Hebrew Lexicons (at StudyLight)

    Crosswalk Greek and Hebrew Lexicons (at Crosswalk - also listed above)

    Topical Bibles

    Nave's Topical Bible (at Crosswalk - also listed above)
    The classic KJV topical Bible online.


    The Bible Commentary Page
    A variety of different commentaries indexed by Bible chapter.

    Eleven Bible Commentaries (at Crosswalk - also listed above)

    The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary (at Wheaton College)

    Bible Dictionaries

    Easton's Bible Dictionary (at Wheaton College)
    This version is listed by Topic and downloadable.

    Easton's Bible Dictionary (at Crosswalk - also listed above)
    This version is searchable.

    Smith's Bible Dictionary (at Crosswalk - also listed above)
    This version is searchable.

    George MacDonald Fantasies

    Many of George MacDonald's classic fantasy works are available online.
    The first six books listed are stored on our own website.

    Short Stories

    Photogen and Nycteris (aka: The Day Boy and the Night Girl)

    The Golden Key

    The Light Princess


    Fantasies written for children, also loved by adults:

    The Princess and the Goblin

    The Princess and Curdie

    Fantasies written for adults, also loved by children:



    Want More?
    Here's a link where you'll find more of MacDonalds's works, including fantasy, fiction, non-fiction, sermons, and poetry:

    Online Works of George MacDonald  (by Johannesen Publishing)
    There are some great short fantasy stories here, including:

    The Cruel Painter

    The Castle

    The Wow O' Riven

    The Gray Wolf