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Posted by Xavier on July 02, 2005 at 21:58:49:

I have been trying to engross myself with the word and understanding it over the last few days. I realize how new I am to this and to seeking out Christ and not just walking on the outside of a christian belief. I have these large lingering questions that do not go away. I have had these for years and I feel like a 10 yr old who just walked into a candy store with a 100 dollar bill, I am wired and in need of answers.

Ofcourse asking questions like this I am always told to pray about it and the answers will come, thing
is some just do not come. I realize that as a human I will never be able to comprehend God and his reasons are his own and in 1000 lifetimes I may not comprehend a moment of his exhale. Though some things like these stick with me. So if any of you have a moment to point me to a bible passage or grace me with your words, I would be very thankful.

* We are told that Jesus Christ is our only way to God through our salvation is, Christ. What about those before his time, will they all go to hell. What about the indians or cultures that have not expirieced Christ ? Will so many be cast out simply by not being given the truth ?

* Homosexuality, with all the we have wrong what is it with this? We are told as a people to act right. I am suppose to judge a person for what is on the inside and not by their cover. So how can this be, as long as a man follows the commandments and walks with God, why is so much put on the gay thing. How many straight people out their do I know that are hypocrtics. How many shirt wearing bumper sticker people out their who are ready to cast that first stone, are so much more than a man that simply chooses to love another. What about if you love a man though choose never to have sex. I just do not understand this.

We have so much agony going on that you would think if you are blessid enough to find love, in the end who cares about a the genitaila. I have never been to aware of this. I always figured I will love who ever God has for me. I will love the person for who they are and what they mean to me. I am just so lost on why your genitalia means so much in the end ?

* I recall sitting in on of PS's sermons and anyone who knows Steve knows he is "blessed" with a butt kicking knowledge. He has a way of putting things that makes me do a double take. I have been reading John and now some Proverbs and I understand it. I even ask God to help me to understand it. Though is there a certain time to "understanding" it. A friend who has been helping me with what to read tells me to read a book in the bible and that will help me to better know Christ. I can sit down and go through a book, then do it again and again. I read it, I understand it. Though I do not seem to "get it" most of the time ? Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong, or is it just that I should read slower ? take more time. I am starting to read just one verse and think about it, though my mind moves quickly and I am always thirsty to read more. I guess in the end I am just wondering if there is a right way or a wrong way to do this ?

.... I just re-read what I wrote and I can see the flaws in my second question, though if you guys and gals would still answer with your thoughts I would be appreciative.

- Xavier

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